Whether your evaluation includes feeding, orofacial myology and /or speech for intelligibility, evaluation sessions are standardized to ensure a well-rounded and thorough approach. Treatment plans are specifically customized to further evaluate or address your individual strengths and weaknesses.
Birth to 1 year
Infant Feeding/nursing therapy
Initial evaluation 1.5-2 hours. Additional therapy sessions 55 minutes.
Goal :optimal muscle /nerve function for efficient feeding. Includes assessments of: body movement and stability, oral mobility and precision for feeding, craniosacral therapy, nursing, oralfacial myology exercises and Tummy Time Method exercises.
1 year to 18 years
Speech-Myology-Feeding Therapy –
Initial evaluation. 2 hours
Additional therapy sessions 55 minutes
Articulation; Orofacial myology; CranioSacral therapy; Executive Function; Attention; Breathing; Eating; Picky Eater; Sensory Issues
Initial Evaluation 2 hours
Additional sessions 55 minutes
Assess how they use their mouth, face, neck muscles to speak, eat and breathe. Uses craniosacral body work to release tension to support optimal muscle and nerve function. Muscle exercises to increase strength and precision of movements for efficient use of face, mouth and neck muscles for speech, feeding and breathing.
Types of Therapy
Use the links below to learn more about the types of therapy available.